Always follow the advice of your care team.
Contact Us
Hospital Map & Directions
Important Phone Numbers
Please contact us at any time if you have any questions of concerns.
Hematologic Malignancies Main Phone: 617-631-6140
Dana-Farber Main Operator: 617-632-3000
Billing Inquiries (Dana-Farber): 617-632-3930
Billing Inquiries (Brigham and Women's): 617-726-3884
Directions: 617-632-3400
Parking Information (Dana-Farber): 617-632-3183
Shapiro Center for Patients & Families: 617-632-3750
Provides family and patient supportive resources, housing programs, and daily events
Patient/Family Relations: 617-632-3417
A resource for living will and patient directive information. Also the main resource for concerns about the care or service you receive.
Office of Patient & Family Assistance (Financial Coaching): 617-632-4494
Zakim Center for Integrative Therapies and Healthy Living: 617-632-3322
Social Work: 617-632-3301
Mental Health Services: 617-632-6181
Chaplain/Spiritual Care: 617-632-3908
Resource Specialists: 617-632-3301
Can assist with short-term accommodations, local transportation, and referrals to community programs
Please contact us at any time if you have any questions of concerns.
Hematologic Malignancies Main Phone: 617-631-6140
Dana-Farber Main Operator: 617-632-3000
Billing Inquiries (Dana-Farber): 617-632-3930
Billing Inquiries (Brigham and Women's): 617-726-3884
Directions: 617-632-3400
Parking Information (Dana-Farber): 617-632-3183
Shapiro Center for Patients & Families: 617-632-3750
Provides family and patient supportive resources, housing programs, and daily events
Patient/Family Relations: 617-632-3417
A resource for living will and patient directive information. Also the main resource for concerns about the care or service you receive.
Office of Patient & Family Assistance (Financial Coaching): 617-632-4494
Zakim Center for Integrative Therapies and Healthy Living: 617-632-3322
Social Work: 617-632-3301
Mental Health Services: 617-632-6181
Chaplain/Spiritual Care: 617-632-3908
Resource Specialists: 617-632-3301
Can assist with short-term accommodations, local transportation, and referrals to community programs