Always follow the advice of your care team.
External Resources Beyond Dana-Farber and Brigham and Women's
There are many sources of information and support available to you. In addition to the on-site resources, below are a few organizations and web site to gather information about your illness and treatment. Please note that the Blum Center, the Bretholtz Center, and Kessler Library all offer Internet access and staff to help you conduct research.
While the Internet is a valuable tool for research, some sources of information can be misleading. Whenever you have questions, talk with your care team. You should always follow your physician’s directions and guidance over any other source you may find.
The resources listed here are for educational purposes only. The information provided through these organizations is not a substitute for professional clinical care.
Additional external resources are listed in Stem Cell Transplantation: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers.
American Cancer Society
Publishes brochures about various cancers and treatment options, sponsors support groups for patients and their families. Provides limited financial assistance, including money for wigs.
BMTinfonet (Blood and Marrow Transplant Information Network)
Offers the Caring Connection Program to pair you with a patient or caregiver who has been through the stem cell transplant experience and can offer tips and support. Also offers education and video resources on their website.
BMT Support Online
An online support service that links stem cell transplant patients. BMT Online offers services that include a twice-weekly support group, online support meeting for children and parents, searches of medical archives, link-up to patients with similar circumstances, and links to other helpful cancer and stem cell transplant sites.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Offers information about blood-related cancers, including support groups (in some areas of the country), brochures, a newsletter, and other resources on leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Has a Patient Financial Aid Program that offers supplementary assistance to patients in significant financial need.
Lymphoma Research Foundation
800-500-9976 or National Office 212-349-2910
Provides patients with information on lymphoma and funds research to cure all lymphomas.
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
Provides patients with information on multiple myeloma (MM) and funds research to cure MM.
National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
800-LINK-BMT (800-546-5268)
Provides publications and educational video webinars. NBMT Link also offers Peer Support On Call, a free service of one-on-one conversations with trained peer support volunteers who are stem cell transplant survivors and caregivers.
National Marrow Donor Program/Be the Match Registry(R)
866-875-DFCI (866-875-3324) or 617-632-2561 and
Information about Be The Match Registry at Dana-Farber; information for donors and recipients of bone marrow/stem cell transplants, including publications on donor recruitment and searches. Be the Match also offers a patient navigator program; Peer Support, a program that can connect you with other transplant patients and caregivers; counseling; and support groups.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is a fully accredited member of the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), which operates the Be the Match® Registry, the largest and most diverse marrow donor program in the world. The NMDP has facilitated more than 35,000 marrow or blood stem cell transplants for patients who do not have matching donors in their families.
Financial Resources are listed in the Financial Preparation section. Additional resources are in Stem Cell Transplantation: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers.
While the Internet is a valuable tool for research, some sources of information can be misleading. Whenever you have questions, talk with your care team. You should always follow your physician’s directions and guidance over any other source you may find.
The resources listed here are for educational purposes only. The information provided through these organizations is not a substitute for professional clinical care.
Additional external resources are listed in Stem Cell Transplantation: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers.
American Cancer Society
Publishes brochures about various cancers and treatment options, sponsors support groups for patients and their families. Provides limited financial assistance, including money for wigs.
BMTinfonet (Blood and Marrow Transplant Information Network)
Offers the Caring Connection Program to pair you with a patient or caregiver who has been through the stem cell transplant experience and can offer tips and support. Also offers education and video resources on their website.
BMT Support Online
An online support service that links stem cell transplant patients. BMT Online offers services that include a twice-weekly support group, online support meeting for children and parents, searches of medical archives, link-up to patients with similar circumstances, and links to other helpful cancer and stem cell transplant sites.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Offers information about blood-related cancers, including support groups (in some areas of the country), brochures, a newsletter, and other resources on leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Has a Patient Financial Aid Program that offers supplementary assistance to patients in significant financial need.
Lymphoma Research Foundation
800-500-9976 or National Office 212-349-2910
Provides patients with information on lymphoma and funds research to cure all lymphomas.
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
Provides patients with information on multiple myeloma (MM) and funds research to cure MM.
National Bone Marrow Transplant Link
800-LINK-BMT (800-546-5268)
Provides publications and educational video webinars. NBMT Link also offers Peer Support On Call, a free service of one-on-one conversations with trained peer support volunteers who are stem cell transplant survivors and caregivers.
National Marrow Donor Program/Be the Match Registry(R)
866-875-DFCI (866-875-3324) or 617-632-2561 and
Information about Be The Match Registry at Dana-Farber; information for donors and recipients of bone marrow/stem cell transplants, including publications on donor recruitment and searches. Be the Match also offers a patient navigator program; Peer Support, a program that can connect you with other transplant patients and caregivers; counseling; and support groups.
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is a fully accredited member of the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), which operates the Be the Match® Registry, the largest and most diverse marrow donor program in the world. The NMDP has facilitated more than 35,000 marrow or blood stem cell transplants for patients who do not have matching donors in their families.
Financial Resources are listed in the Financial Preparation section. Additional resources are in Stem Cell Transplantation: A Guide for Patients and Caregivers.